Michael Mafi

Software engineer with a yearning for learning.
JavaScript, JQuery, Node.js, Ruby, Rails, Swift, Angular, React, React Native, Express,
Postgres, MySQL, Vagrant, Yeoman, Docker, Babel, Koa and other lowcarb libraries and frameworks.


open source digital lumberjackery

Flexbox React Native UI App

JavaScript React Native with html and mobile iOS and Android versions.

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JavaScript Tech Conf App

Website with Javascript, JQuery, BootStrap.
With popup modal window registration.

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High Frequency Trading

Building upon this repo to trade options. Algorithm patterns allow backtesting.

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Virtual Derping with Javascript

Building several unique cardboard app backgrounds with WebGL and three.js

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Froggerish Game in JavaScript

Using Javascript, CSS, engine.js to utilize the prototypal JS inheritance structure.

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ScatterPlot with D3.js

Scatterplot diagram using Javascript, D3.js, CSS. Seems to show that doping works.

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Angular App

Angular Amazon book wish list app with Angular, Bower, Karma, and Require.js

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Javascript App using React

Javascript draggable post it note board app using React and Babel.

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JavaScript Merge Animations

Javascript app using Slim and Scss to take JS animations and merge them together.

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Reach out for a virtual hug!

Let's create a win/win situation together.

Email me anytime:
